Me: Are covid vaccines safe? ChatGPT:  The COVID-19 vaccines that have been authorized for emergency use by regulatory agencies such as the US FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA) have been determined …

You need to make sure the nvidia configuration file exists into X11 folder. So copy the file from /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ sudo cp -p /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-nvidia.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia.conf Then edit the file with nano …

Instant search Javafx

// --------------------------Filter function and // code-------------------------------------------------------------------------------   FilteredList filterList = new FilteredList<>(dataSolicitari, p -> true);   SortedList sortableData;   int idStringTemp; String SolictareTemp; String umTemp; String ManoperaTemp; String statusTemp;   public void …

What is seemed to me to a be a bug, in the end I think it a problem with Hyper-V enhanced session. This is the scenario: Windows 10 VM running on Hyper-V …

I did not find on the web a solution how to load jasper reports on the same screen or monitor where you launch it. For instance you have multiple monitors and run …

I had this problem from a long time, I don’t remember if worked when I installed afresh, but certainly will not work after update the system.   Steps to reproduce. Click on …

I tried so far: x2go-server / client Nomachine Teamviewer VNC Anyconnect From all of these applications, I think xrdp works the best when it comes to replace RDP in windows or similar …

After many hours of working on a PowerEdge R740xd and trying to updates all possible options, finally the only that worked was ftp with the following settings: address: catalog location: catalog …

I was never a big fan of ubuntu linux, rather I used linux mint as my main desktop environment. I have a old laptop (set up for my children) that uses linux …

Update 05-05-2021 Installing this module will solve the problem: ———————————————————————————— If you install the official module from   First install libwww-perl (ubuntu/debian based distro) apt-get install libwww-perl On fedora based …

If you use Webmin to back up on Windows it will not work unless you use Cygwin ssh and not OpenSSH. Cygwin ssh will add some important linux packages.   Views: 341

Am ceva vreme de când testez Nextcloud,  o soluție care are scopul de a înlocui Google Drive. În plus această platformă oferă multe alte aplicații care se pot instala foarte ușor, de …

Views: 19