Blog Posts

I did not find on the web a solution how to load jasper reports on the same screen or monitor where you launch it. For instance you have multiple monitors and run a javafx application. When you launch the report it opens by default on primary screen. I had this issue for a quite sometime […]

I had this problem from a long time, I don’t remember if worked when I installed afresh, but certainly will not work after update the system.   Steps to reproduce. Click on any style in the window manager, it will not change the preview, nor will do anything, in other words window manager style is […]

I tried so far: x2go-server / client Nomachine Teamviewer VNC Anyconnect From all of these applications, I think xrdp works the best when it comes to replace RDP in windows or similar application for linux, fastest and hassle free. It has the huge advantage if you try to access a linux machine from Windows you […]

After many hours of working on a PowerEdge R740xd and trying to updates all possible options, finally the only that worked was ftp with the following settings: address: catalog location: catalog All the rest should be ignored.              

I was never a big fan of ubuntu linux, rather I used linux mint as my main desktop environment. I have a old laptop (set up for my children) that uses linux mint 18.2 for some years, no issue at all. But for my business I have newer laptops that’s why I need more updated […]

Update 05-05-2021 Installing this module will solve the problem: ———————————————————————————— If you install the official module from   First install libwww-perl (ubuntu/debian based distro) apt-get install libwww-perl On fedora based yum install libwww-perl   With your editor nano/vim Location file: /usr/share/webmin/nginx/ Line number = 199 Error: Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal […]

If you use Webmin to back up on Windows it will not work unless you use Cygwin ssh and not OpenSSH. Cygwin ssh will add some important linux packages.  

Am ceva vreme de când testez Nextcloud,  o soluție care are scopul de a înlocui Google Drive. În plus această platformă oferă multe alte aplicații care se pot instala foarte ușor, de exemplu Talk(video/audio Conference) sau Deck care este un Project Management.   Deck nextcloud   Homepage